This class has the responsibility to update and provide textures to
And, you can also initiate a new
MangaMaterial instance from this class as well.
Parameters (MangaShaderManagerParams)
The taget renderer from ThreeJS
The renderer from ThreeJS
The camera from ThreeJS will be used to calculate depth maps and normal maps. You should pass your main camera here.
lightList: MangaLight[]
All manga lights casting manga-style shadow.
The resolution of the screen. If your screen is an entire browser screen, you can pass window.innerWidth and window.innerHeight.
shadowDepthTexturepixelsPerUnit: number | undefined
default value: 1024
This value is used to multiply resolution to determine shadow depth map resolution.
So, if you want the shadow to be more detailed, you can increase this value.
shadowBias: number | undefined
default value: 0.001
It’s a bias value used in shadow calculation to avoid shadow acne. Learn more here
Shadow Mapping.
update(): void
It should be called every time the scene has any change to update normal and shadow depth textures.
getMangaMaterial(options?: MaterialOptions):
You can get manga material from this method.
When the target renderer size changes, you should update the resolution with this method to keep the rendering result fit with the rendering area.
This is an example of responsive code for screen size renderer.
const onResize = () => {
mangaShaderManager.renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight)
new THREE.Vector2(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight)
camera.aspect = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight
window.addEventListener('resize', onResize)
To get the current resolution, you can use this method.
The taget renderer from ThreeJS
The renderer from ThreeJS
The camera from ThreeJS will be used to calculate depth maps and normal maps. You should pass your main camera here.